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Advantages of Women’s Treatment Centers

Advantages of Women's Treatment Centers

There have been numerous studies done over the years that determine all the ways women are different than men and vice versa. For instance, some studies ask the question; do women heal differently than men? Do women cope differently, better or worse than men? Is there a difference in the recovery process for women compared to men? While the science hasn’t quite been figured it out for all of these questions, many women already know the answer.

Women are affected by their life experiences in a way that is unique to their gender and sometimes men just don’t get it. This is one of the advantages of women’s treatment centers. Here are a few more:

Advantages of Women’s Treatment Centers: A Feeling of Safety and Security

Many women, who have turned to alcohol or drugs, have done so to escape the pain of a traumatic experience. This traumatic experience could include everything from sexual abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault. If this is the case, being forced or needing to communicate directly with men in a group dynamic, or even simply being exposed to men throughout residential drug treatment could block the woman’s ability to truly discover herself and her reasons for using drugs and alcohol. If the woman is fearful of the presence of men, her recovery could suffer. This is the advantage of women’s treatment centers: a gender specific treatment center removes the emotional blockage and gives the women there the knowledge that they are safe and secure among other women.

Advantages of Women’s Treatment Centers: The Healing Style

Men handle stressful situations totally different than women do. This is especially true when it comes to sharing how they feel or what frightens them. Women have an entirely different way of nurturing their own feelings while men tend to react with defensiveness. When women experience the same emotional environment in a group with other women they are more likely to help each other and accept new members more quickly. This is especially true if there are no thoughts of ego or competition for the attention of men in the group.

Advantages of Women’s Treatment Centers: What Women Face in Recovery

Women face problems in recovery that many men may not understand. In many cases women fear entering recovery because of the effect it may have on their children or partners. Women are often seen as the center of a family, caring and taking care of their partner’s and children’s needs. Because of these big factors, when women do choose to go to treatment, they carry with them a lot of additional guilt of having left their families or children especially. Women’s treatment centers are better equipped and ready to handle these additional issues. They also are better at placing the woman’s mind at rest concerning their partner’s and children.

Advantages of Women’s Treatment Centers: Sexual Orientation

Many lesbians have been the subject of homophobia by men and society in general. This condition may contribute too many of their addiction problems. By making a treatment program gender specific, all women, both homosexual and heterosexual can learn empowerment by acknowledging their gender and the role it plays in their lives.

Not only are there these advantages of women’s treatment centers but also the simple facts that women will be more likely to open up, be honest about their feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem, insecurity, and inadequacy, and they also won’t be distracted by members of the opposite sex.

If a woman you love is struggling with alcohol or drug dependence, call us today at 1-888-672-4435.


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