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5 Ways To Stop Gossiping

5 Ways To Stop Gossiping

“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind” –Buddha

Buddha says it perfectly; but what are some ways to avoid gossiping? It’s hard to stop gossiping; it has been proven that two people form a stronger bond over talking badly or sharing a dislike for someone. Today we are trying to be good people and live our lives differently, so the gossip has to stop! I’ve come up with 5 ways to stop gossiping that could help.

5 Ways to Stop Gossiping: Don’t Participate

When your friends start talking about others or gossiping, don’t participate. Not only are you not gossiping, but you can also learn how to be a better listener. One of the main reasons gossip continues to go on and on is that people go back and forth about it. Walking away can also prevent you  from gossiping. Learn to just be quiet or walk away.

5 Ways to Stop Gossiping: Change the Subject

Instead of participating in the gossip, change the subject. Talk about anything; just change the gossip to a good conversation that isn’t about someone else. Or if you must talk about someone else, say good things. Think about how the other person might feel knowing you are talking about them.

5 Ways to Stop Gossiping: Don’t Talk About Others Behind Their Back

Imagining how you would feel if someone was talking about you is a good way to not talk about others. Nobody wants others talking behind their back, so if you wouldn’t want it done to you, don’t talk about others! Focus on being more positive and if you have something to say to someone, say it to them not to other people.

5 Ways to Stop Gossiping: Focus on Being More Positive

We didn’t get sober to live a negative lifestyle, so focus on being more positive. Think happy thoughts and be a positive person. Make others feel good instead of talking badly about people. Be the bigger person and don’t make others feel small, making other people happy actually in turn makes us happy, too. Go out and help people and focus on all the good that there is in the world!

5 Ways to Stop Gossiping: Think Before You Speak

Last and most importantly, please think before you speak! Before you start to talk about others think about what Buddha says; is this true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If you can answer no to any of those questions then you shouldn’t be saying whatever you were going to say about someone!

It is so easy to get caught up in the hype of gossiping about others, especially here in Delray. It’s like being in high school all over again; but do you still want to be acting like you’re in high school? I know that I don’t, I got sober because my life was full of negativity and today I want my life to be happy, joyous and free. You don’t realize it now but gossip is very negative and truly can lead to making bad choices. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-888-672-4435.

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