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4 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and GET IT DONE

4 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and GET IT DONE

Procrastination can be the biggest thing standing between us and the goals we need to reach in order to change our lives. It has been said that the only thing stopping you from reaching your fullest potential is you, and this is especially true when you don’t make a plan of action and commit to seeing it through. Procrastination is a true enemy of our success, and it all starts with our attitude towards getting motivated and the process by which we reach each accomplishment. In the case of recovery from substance abuse or addiction, the concept of procrastination can be a life or death choice that we make, and our life can depend on how long we are putting off going to treatment or getting help. Here is a list of 4 ways to stop procrastinating and GET IT DONE!

1.   Clarify the Outcome

When you have been putting something so important off for so long, sometimes it’s easy to forget why you had set that goal in the first place. In the case of treatment for drugs or alcohol, this typically isn’t the biggest concern because addiction is usually a daily struggle. Even so, make sure that you take the time to review what it is you’re hoping to accomplish with getting help.

Re-examine your current situation and the circumstances surrounding the problem, look at where you are and try to give yourself an idea of where you would want to be once you can begin the process of change. Give yourself time to think about what the goal is, if it’s going to treatment, seeking therapy, or getting honest with others about the problem to get the help you need. Paint yourself a picture of the desired outcome and believe in it. Then make a plan of action to map out that outcome.

2.   Find Support

Telling others about this goal is a good start, that way when you start to shrug it off as unimportant or even forget about the goal, there is someone there to support the decision and remind you of why you need to work towards it. If you tell a few of your friends, colleagues, acquaintances or family about your outcome, it is likely that whenever you see them they will ask you about your status on that goal, and try their best to motivate your progress.

Even the buddy system can be very effective. A companion makes the whole process much easier because ideally they will do what they can to hold you accountable. In the case of getting treatment for drugs or alcohol it is best to get someone you do not drink or use with, and make sure they can stay consistent.

3.   Stay Inspired

Surrounding yourself with a group of inspiring individuals is another great way to get motivated and to keep moving toward a goal. When we procrastinate it is a good idea to spend time with people who do not procrastinate, and who actually thrive off of the momentum of progress and the completion of goals. People who seek to grow and achieve are more likely to put us in the mood to do more.

One of the best inspirational people to spend time with is someone who has already done whatever it is you need to accomplish. If you are trying to get help for drugs or alcohol, spend time with someone who has been through a treatment program before, or who has an active program of recovery, so they can share some experience with you. These people will definitely understand you hesitation and stress the importance of pushing through your procrastination to obtain a solution.


The truth behind it all is that all the planning and research you do will not matter in the end if you do not TAKE ACTION. There are a lot of guides we can set up for ourselves and co-signers we can appoint to try and keep us on task, but procrastinators are also very good at setting up obstacles and excuses. We cannot let ourselves be fooled into thinking we have forever to get it done.

Addiction and substance abuse is fierce, cunning, and fatal. The more time someone puts off getting help, the harder it can be to actually get the help because the person will have sunk deeper into the grips of the illness. Every day we wait to get help is a day we are gambling with our lives. If you know you need that change to save your life, don’t wait for someone else to give it to you, take that chance and be that change. GET IT DONE!

Procrastination can keep us from being the best versions of ourselves, and it is just one of the ways we fight against our true selves and the future we want. But taking the right steps to overcome the excuses can be the first steps in saving us from ourselves and our afflictions. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please DO NOT wait until it’s too late! Call toll-free 1-800-777-9588 

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