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4 Ways Spiritual Fitness Can Be Sexy

4 Ways Spiritual Fitness Can Be Sexy

(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)

The concept of spirituality can be difficult to describe and to some people the definition of spiritual fitness may mean something else than what it means to you or even I, but using it in this context I mean to express spiritual fitness as someone who centers their life around inspired ideals from seeking something beyond them that is meaningful and divine to some extent.

This is someone who balances their behaviors and relationships on the pillars of what they hold to be true and just, while striving to make a contribution to their world. Some people are just seeking a relationship, but others seek much more.

These people tend to be well-adjusted, compassionate and honest human beings. So, it’s no wonder that others are drawn to them – in matters both professional and personal. So why would it be so hard to comprehend why so many of us find spiritual fitness sexy?

Here are just 4 ways spiritual fitness can be sexy.

  1. Happiness

Happiness is not always as cut and dry as a cheery attitude, but a lot of the times a cute grin doesn’t hurt. When I picture someone spiritually fit, I typically don’t imagine them with a mean-mug, I see them with a smile.

The mind, body and spirit are so connected that when we are truly happy the body finds ways to depict it in our presence and appearance. People who are well-adjusted; who take the time to cultivate their spiritual fitness tend to smile and even laugh more frequently. Sometimes we even just smile and laugh through the pain, and it’s attractive to know someone is able to do that.

Spiritually fit people add levity to situations as much as possible, and a good smile always aesthetically pleasing.

  1. Humility

Spiritual fitness has a lot to do with humility. Thinking less about your own self-serving motives, thinking more about how to help others and be there for those who need you, it all shows strength of character.

Another reason this is so attractive for spiritually fit people is because they go out of their way to tell you what you mean to them, and they care about what you’re thinking and feeling. From being the shoulder to cry on to simply holding the door for a stranger, spiritually fit people often possess inner peace and display compassion… which is always a good look.

Also, this humility makes them less likely to pass judgment on others. We all have that fault, but the spiritually fit are at least aware of their judgments, keep them to themselves, and do their best to outlast their own expectations.

  1. Acceptance

Along with managing those unreasonable expectation, spiritually fit people remain realistic while optimistic, knowing that acceptance doesn’t mean giving in and giving up.

People who are spiritually fit know the difference between managing their expectations and simply throwing in the towel and bracing for impact. They accept what they cannot change and are willing to do what they can to work through it, which is beautiful when in a relationship.

This kind of lover won’t dwell on the issues you may face, or even better they may accept it as another element that brings you closer. They won’t manipulate you, because they know they don’t need to because they don’t control you, and that’s striking.

  1. Confidence

Spiritual fitness also instills an air of perhaps the most attractive thing of all; confidence.

We’re not talking about someone who is full of themselves or arrogant. Someone who believes in themselves, who is willing to take their chances to invest in themselves and their passions, and maturely deals with rejection when needed is someone who has centered themselves on a foundation of some level of faith or invaluable truth.

One of the most attractive pieces of that confidence that spiritually fit people exhibit is their ability to hold themselves accountable and take responsibility for their own mistakes and misfortunes.

But the wisdom and courage to know what they believe in, who they are and what they want is amazing, stunning and undoubtedly attractive.

Being spiritually fit is definitely something someone in recovery should look for in a relationship, and in reality it shouldn’t be that hard because those people can be incredibly attractive, if you yourself are in the right place too. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-777-9588

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