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3 Mental Health Myths Debunked

3 Mental Health Myths Debunked

(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)

With the internet, we can find answers to our questions with the click of a button. However, sometimes too much information can be worse than no information at all. Anyone who has gone online can attest to that. Medical information online is a great tool because it allows us to become informed before seeing our professional doctors. However, it can also be a nightmare, especially if you are easily frightened. When it comes to your mental health, slow down on the Google searches. Instead of trying to self-diagnose yourself, get the facts.

Here are three common mental health myths debunked.

  1. MYTH: Your genes pre-determine your mental health.

Mental health is commonly thought to be genetic, so most people thing they have no control over it. After all, you can’t do anything about your genes. In actuality, this is not always so cut and dry. The truth is, we all carry some risk of developing a mental health condition. While genetics do contribute to your mental health, the way those mental health issues manifest often have more to do with our environment and experiences.

  1. MYTH: Medication Cures All.

Medication can help improve mental health conditions. However, not everyone will benefit from the use of medicines. In fact, over time, some an even develop a dependency on medications such as Xanax and other addictive substances.  If you, or someone you know, suffer from any chronic mental health issue, make sure you are speaking to a professional that will provide more care than just a pill. Therapy and holistic practices can have a tremendous impact on our mental health, often making medication unnecessary. Utilize alternatives to develop a mental health treatment plan that works for you.

  1. MYTH: When it comes to mental health, you either have it, or you don’t.

We often make sense of the world and people around us by grouping others into categories. When it comes to mental health, try not to create boundaries that separate others from yourself. Mental health is not black-and-white, so try not to believe the myths. It does not fit into a yes-or-no bracket. Mental health can manifest in one person one way while exhibiting entirely different for another. Also, while some mental health issues develop early on, others happen when you least expect it, as late into your adult life. Mental health illnesses like schizophrenia can develop in early adulthood after years of living a healthy life. Try not to categorize others. We are all in this together.

  1. MYTH: Mental Illness is permanent. Once you have it, you never get better.

Every mental health illness is different. The idea that there is no solution to all mental illnesses is entirely false. Working with a mental health professional can help in developing a plan that can reduce, and even eliminate certain mental illnesses.  While there are some mental health issues that people can struggle with for a lifetime, there is always a way to improve upon mental health concerns. No one should give up on improving their condition. People diagnosed with mental health issues can and do get better.

Overall, mental health is a serious problem that affects millions of people. If you or someone you know is concerned about having or developing a mental health condition, find an appropriate medical professional to talk to who can either refer you to a therapist or soothe your doubts for good. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please do not wait. Call toll-free 1-800-777-9588.

Author: Shernide Delva

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