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11 Signs You’re an Enlightened Woman

11 Signs You’re an Enlightened Woman

Enlightened, conscious women aren’t perfect – and they know it. But they are working to be the best self they can be, with a grace and fearlessness that others don’t possess. Here are 11 signs you’re an enlightened woman.

#1. You know that growing is a process

Enlightened, aware women know that personal-growth takes time and is an ongoing process. They are patient and trusting of themselves and the process in that they know they will become their very best. These women have self-compassion, allowing themselves to learn from their mistakes, rather than beating themselves up for them.

#2. You know that you’re more than just your physical body

Women who are conscious know that they are more than a body to be objectified. You know that you possess many other inspiring, noteworthy traits, such as intelligence, creativity, emotion, sexuality and spirituality.

#3. You focus on your own well-being

Taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s a must. You know that your body’s well-being is just as important as your spiritual well-being. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are essential to being an enlightened woman.

#4. You’re grateful for the little things

You actively embrace beauty in the little things, as well as your own beauty.

Enlightened, conscious women stop to smell the flowers, enjoy the warmth of the sun, or stop to admire a view.

#5. You truly care for others and the Earth

You are aware of the problems the planet is facing and care in a way that it determines most of your life choices. You also help others when they need it and are compassionate and giving.

#6. You’re emotionally mature

Emotions arise, change and move through us. Sometimes it is sunny and warm while other times it might be cold or stormy.

Women who can feel and express anger, grief and joy knowing that these too will pass; that all things are impermanent. Basically, you don’t repress your feelings.

#7. You live with integrity

An enlightened woman lives with integrity, meaning that her thoughts, actions, and words all line up. This is a powerful way to inspire others as well as to be effective in your career, in your relationships, and at life, in general.

#8. You’re willing to risk being hurt

In life, we all get hurt at one point or another. We all make bad choices, have our hearts broken, speak out of anger, and so on. Rather than play the victim and shut down, the enlightened woman knows it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

#9. You can take a compliment

There’s nothing wrong with being given a compliment and there’s hardly anything more attractive than a woman who is able to receive it elegantly without discomfort, rejection or false modesty.

#10. You embrace relationships with other women

Some women seem to think that there’s something wrong or weird about connecting, loving and appreciating other women. In fact, this is a beautiful thing: that a woman can have successful relationships with other women.

#11. You are willing to face the unknown

Conscious women don’t allow their fear of the unknown stop them in life. They embrace it. They might travel or take on a whole new career later in life. The bottom line is, they don’t let fear or judgment from others to stop them from doing what they want.

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