10 Signs You Need to Get Back on Your Program
We all go through rough times in our recovery, it’s perfectly normal to not always have it all together. But, when does it become an issue and a danger to your sobriety? I’ve thought of 10 signs you need to get back on your program.
10 Signs You Need to Get Back on Your Program…
1. You can’t remember the last time you worked with a sponsee
Not only that but you can’t even remember the last time you went up to a newcomer. They say we stay sober by helping others, so go out and help other suffering alcoholics and addicts!
2. You are starting to feel restless, irritable and discontent
This is a pretty clear sign that you need to get back involved in your program. When you start to feel restless irritable and discontented, you really need to do something about it if you want to stay sober.
3. You haven’t been to a meeting in a while
It’s been long enough where you can’t even remember the last meeting you went to. For me, just going to a meeting makes me feel ten times better about everything. Go hit a meeting.
4. You haven’t prayed or meditated lately and aren’t feeling spiritually fit
I can definitely feel it when I haven’t prayed or meditated in a while. There is a significant different in my spirituality and in my general attitude towards everyone around me. Being spiritually fit is important.
5. You haven’t done any service work or had any commitments recently
Some people don’t make as big a deal out of doing service work and having commitments; but it really is an important part of the program. Having a commitment holds you accountable for something. Go out and get a new service position!
6. Your temper flares and you seem to be getting angry more often
This one is the worst. I hate when everything makes me angry and it feels like no matter what I do, I’m still frustrated. No one likes feeling angry, go get involved in your program.
7. You haven’t spoken to or seen your sponsor in a long time
You might be thinking, so what? I’m through my steps and have time now. But, that doesn’t matter. No matter how much time you have, you need to still speak to your sponsor!
8. You’ve been feeling extremely depressed
Feeling depressed is absolutely miserable; constant sleeping, crying, and just pure unhappiness. You have to get out of your rut and go reach out to your supports. Go to a meeting!
9. Your friends and supports have shown concern and are worried about you
If your friends are showing concern for you, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate your program and take a look at yourself. Your supports just care about you and want to see you happy and working a good program.
10. You’ve contemplated getting drunk or high
When thinking about drinking or getting high seems like a good solution to your problems, you better get back involved in your program quick! Deep down you know that doing drugs or drinking isn’t a solution, so go call your sponsor and stay sober!
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-777-9588.