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Alcoholism FAQ

How Much Drinking is Too Much?

Depending on the person and what situation they are in, every person may have a different amount of alcohol that they should or shouldn’t drink in a day. The National Institutes of Health says that adult men women can have up to one per day without encountering alcohol-related problems. Still, there are women who should not drink any alcohol at all. These include people who are recovering alcoholics, pregnant women, women who need to drive or operate heavy machinery and women who have certain medical conditions that can be negatively affected by drinking alcohol.

Do I need to Go to Alcohol Rehab to Quit Drinking?

There have been many studies that have shown that, once someone starts drinking and becomes dependent upon alcohol, it is very difficult for them to stop drinking or to even cut back on their drinking. However, for a successful recovery, it is important to cease all alcohol intake for some period of time, if not for good. If this proves to difficult to do alone, then you should seek out the help of an alcohol rehab center, such as The Orchid, which can help you recover from your alcohol or drug addiction.

Does Alcoholism Affect You Differently at Different Ages?

All aspects of a person’s body begin to deteriorate as they grow older. Vision, muscle control, balance, hearing and reaction time are all affected by age, and the introduction of alcohol can cause further deteriorations in these areas. Additionally, many older women take medications, and it is almost always a bad idea to combine alcohol with medications. Regardless of whether there is a medical necessity or not, it is good for older women to cut back their alcohol intake and limit it to no more than one drink every day.

Does Alcoholism Affect Men and Women Differently?

The short answer is yes, it most certainly does. Studies have shown that women are more affected by alcohol in nearly every situation than men are, for various reasons including body size and mass, metabolism and body chemistry differences. Since alcohol almost always affects women more strongly than it does men, it is important for women to limit their alcohol intake. This is especially true since women have been found to suffer from more alcohol-related problems as they grow older if they abuse alcohol in their youth. Diseases caused by alcohol, such as liver cirrhosis, progress much faster in women than they do in men.

Does My Alcoholism Affect my Children?

Absolutely! If you are pregnant, alcohol can cause severe retardation, developmental problems or even death for your unborn child. And if you have children who live with you at home, you may be putting them at a higher risk for problems in school, raising their anxiety levels and introducing them to alcohol and drug problems of their own. Many children of alcoholics experience these problems, so it’s important that you seek help if you think you are affected by alcoholism. Even if you don’t want to seek help for yourself, do it for your children.

Alcohol Rehab at Orchid Recovery Center

At Orchid Recovery Center, we provide women with the best holistic care available, and our expertly trained staff will help you address all aspects of your addiction so that you can make a complete recovery. Contact us today for more information.

Further Reading

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