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Alcohol Rehab Can Improve Circulatory Problems With Alcoholism

Alcoholism can cause all sorts of chaos and trouble in a person’s life.  With all that drama, it can be tougher to notice the subtle changes in that person’s health.  Their circulatory system is under direct siege when they binge drink, causing problems with the vessels and the blood itself.  Fortunately, alcohol rehab can offer some real hope.  Learn more hear about one of the silent problems of alcoholism – blood and circulatory problems. 

Blood Pressure and Nutrition Problems From Alcoholism

Heavy drinking causes a greater amount of alcohol to flow through a person’s veins for a longer time.  This strains the heart, making it have to work harder to do the same job.  The extra work means the pressure of the blood against the veins of the walls goes up.  High blood pressure is a well-known culprit for health problems for millions.

The exact process is not clear, but research shows that increased drinking stresses the entire circulatory system.  The heart can benefit from one glass of wine a day, but any more than that can potentially lead to problems. 

Anemia is a blood disorder caused by low levels of iron, most likely from a poor diet.  A person becomes fatigued easily, has low levels of concentration, and generally reports feeling unwell.  An alcoholic is more likely to have a nutrition-poor diet because the abundance of alcohol calories take the place of healthy food calories.  In general, they also pay less attention to their health.  It is common for an alcoholic to let a balanced diet go by the wayside.

Many people with alcoholism have a flushed look to their skin.  They may even have many tiny cappelaries broken near the surface of their skin.  Heavy drinking causes blood vessels near the skin’s surface to become constantly dialated, sometimes bursting from the strain. 

Women And Alcoholism Quicker and Worse Than For Men

The health problems listed above are common enough that many people have heard of them, or even experienced them before.  The less commonly known fact is that alcoholism hits women harder and more quickly than it does for men.  So for a woman who is trying to “keep up” with the guys or live a partying lifestyle, she is on a quicker path to poor health.

Perhaps unknowingly, she is putting her entire circulatory system at risk by binge drinking and going on benders.  By the time she has symptoms bad enough to report, she may have already done some significant damage to her body.

Alcohol Rehab And Sobriety Can Reduce Risk Of Blood and Circulatory Problems

Fortunately, much of the potential damage to the circulatory system can be improved with sobriety.  It might take a while, but blood pressure, nutrition problems, and anemia can be managed or even eliminated.  Alcohol rehab can be a first important step in that process.  In fact, any level of alcohol treatment that initiates sobriety will help reduce the risk of these problems.  Some small blood vessels may be permanently broken, but it would be a small price to pay for overall better health for your circulatory system. 

It may seem like alcohol rehab is mostly about addressing the mental and social problems with alcoholism.  However, alcoholism is truly a physical health problem as well.  For many longtime alcoholics, health problems are a way of life.  It’s not too late to improve blood-related problems resulting from alcoholism.  It’s no cure, but alcohol rehab can give you a healthy start to a better life.

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