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10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


There’s no other bond quite like the one that develops among halfway house roommates. It’s different from other roommate relationships because you spend a lot more time together (having a curfew and what-not pretty much guarantees that you’ll be on the same coming-and-going schedule). Also, when you’re living in a halfway or sober house, you’re in early sobriety, which brings with it its own unique aspects to the relationship. Here are 10 things only your halfway house roomie knows about you.

#1. When you’re on your cycle

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Living in close-quarters with another female means that you will know the ultra-private stuff about each other. First of all, you two will eventually sync-up so, if she’s on hers, you’ll also be on yours. Secondly, you’ll have the advantage of having back-up tampons if you run out or being able to ask one another to pick up some more on the way home from work or IOP.

#2. Who your current crush is

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Having a roomie at halfway also means having that one girlfriend with whom you can confide. And getting clean and sober usually awakens some dormant feelings and desires. You will probably, at one time or another, develop feelings for someone. The two of you might chat, gossip, and giggle like little school girls when discussing your latest crushes.

#3. Just how emotional and neurotic you are

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


No one will be closer to you, both literally and figuratively, like your halfway house roomie and so, you will probably feel most at ease to vent with each other. Also, being in early recovery means that you will inevitably get your feelings back. Your roomie will be perhaps the only one that you’ll let see the vulnerable side of you as you ride the emotional roller-coaster that is early sobriety.

#4. How much you sleep

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


If you’re anything like me, I was a nap-taking fool when I got to my halfway house. It probably had something to do with the healing and recovery process, not to mention all the lack of sleep from the years spent in active addiction – I was a terrible insomniac. My roomie couldn’t go a day without finding me passed out on the couch.

#5. Your eating habits

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


No judgment here, ladies. Your halfway house roomie will undoubtedly know what you’re eating (for me it was cereal all day, er’ry day) because, again, you’re spending a lot of time with each other. You might also go grocery shopping together and take turns making meals.

#6. If you’re a good housekeeper or not

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Some people are clean freaks and others are messy slobs. Hopefully, you and your roomie are on the same page as one another when it comes to keeping house. If you’re not, this can become a huge sticking point and might just make-or-break your relationship. Of course, it’s best when the both of you can see eye-to-eye and are willing to share chores.

#7. If you’re really praying before bed and in the morning

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Again, because of living in such close quarters – often even sharing a bedroom – your roomie will know whether you’re hitting your knees each night and each morning. Hopefully, you are supporting each other and not being judgmental of one another if your prayer habits have slacked a little.

#8. How often you meet with your sponsor

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Because you are mostly on the same schedule, your halfway house roomie will know your comings and goings like they’re her own. So, she’ll know when and how often you’re meeting with your sponsor – and vice versa.

#9. What kind of program you’re working (robust or weak)

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Again, this shouldn’t be a judgmental thing but, your halfway house roomie will know what kind of program you’re working based on your actions. If you’re always striving to do the right thing and be a better person then these are most likely signs of a strong program. If you’re lying and unwilling to do your part, then maybe it’s time to recharge your program.

#10. Your personal hygiene habits

10 Things Only Your Halfway House Roomie Knows About You


Again, being roommates in halfway means that you will know all the intimate details of each other’s lives, including whether you shower, brush your teeth, or wash your clothes. Not everyone is into good personal hygiene. I’ll leave you with this little anecdote: when I was living at a sober house, one of the other girls would wear her roommate’s underwear – wait for it – from the dirty clothes pile. Needless to say, she did not stay clean for long. No pun intended.

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