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Jenelle Evans Tweets Rehab, Recovery, and Vivitrol

Jenelle Evans, the Teen Mom 2 star, is the subject of much debate when it comes to her possible drug abuse and addiction issues. Is she getting high? Is she headed to rehab? Why did she leave treatment? Does she think she has a problem with drugs?

Though she went to drug rehab recently, she left after only a few days saying that she didn’t need treatment for addiction. Yet on her Twitter account, she recently responded to insinuations that she might relapse on painkillers – or get strung out – when she got her wisdom teeth out by tweeting: “No. I’m actually thinking about getting the Vivitrol shot.”

Vivitrol is approved for the treatment of drug and alcohol dependence. It’s an injection that is commonly given to those who struggle with relapse on opiate drugs in recovery – opiate drugs like heroin and painkillers. It’s a smart move for someone who recognizes that they have a hard time staying clean and sober. A smarter move would be to begin their sober life with an intensive drug rehab program.

Why Do Addicts Leave Treatment?

Only Jenelle knows why she started a treatment program only to leave it a few days later, but leaving treatment early isn’t an uncommon thing to do. There are a number of reasons why people say they do it:

  • Problems at home
  • Fear of losing a romantic relationship
  • Interpersonal issues with a peer or counselor in the treatment program

Often, the real reason that someone leaves rehab isn’t the external problem – at least, not the entire reason. Often the true reason for leaving rehab is fear: fear of withdrawal symptoms, fear of the work they have in front of them on the therapy couch, fear of building a new life from scratch, fear of failure – or success – in recovery. It can be scary. But the answer is not to leave. The answer is to stay and figure out what you need to keep going and do that every day until you have the life you want for yourself.

What Do You Need from Recovery?

At Orchid Recovery Center, we have found that women in treatment thrive when they are surrounded by other likeminded women who are supportive of their goals and needs in recovery. Often the friendships made in rehab last for years – or a lifetime. Building a new life for yourself without drugs and alcohol is not something you have to do alone. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment program and philosophy of care here at Orchid and move a step closer to starting your own journey to sobriety.

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