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The Addict’s Mom Organizes Lights of Hope

This past Sunday, September 13, 2015, the organization The Addict’s Mom (TAM) held its annual event “Lights of Hope” to remember the victims of the disease of addiction, with observations and participation nationwide. “Lights of Hope” events not only honored the lives of those lost to the disease of addiction, but also celebrated and recognized . . . . Continue Reading

National Drug Survey Results Revealed in National Recovery Month

In case you weren’t told, this month was the 26th National Recovery Month (NRM), and as per usual September 10 was considered the annual observance of this important month focusing on bringing awareness to recovery from addiction and mental health disorders in America. As a side-note to the collective celebration of National Recovery Month and those who . . . . Continue Reading

Forbidding Driving for Drug Crimes Hinders Recovery

Back in the 1980s we all had a very different understanding of drugs and drug addiction. Well actually, I wasn’t even born until ’89 so I had no conception at all. However in the 1980s a lot of laws were shaped to meet the drug issue head on, and some of those approaches have now . . . . Continue Reading

Hundreds March through Patterson to Support Fight against Addiction

My birth town is making me proud this week… In a display of hope against the pitfalls of addiction, hundreds of people marched through Patterson, New Jersey on Saturday Morning in the 5th Annual Passaic Country Recovery Walk. Many of the participants were recovering drug addicts and alcoholics who emerged from the grips of addiction . . . . Continue Reading

Insular Cortex of Brain Plays Major Role in Addiction

A region of the brain may hold the key to treating addiction. Two studies reveal the region of our brain called the insular cortex could be where our addictions stem from. Smokers who had stroke damage in this region of the brain were able to quit smoking at a significantly higher rate compared to those who . . . . Continue Reading

Number of Drug Addicted Babies Born Has Quadrupled

Recently, I wrote an article about how states like Ohio are pushing for treatment, rather than criminalization, in order to decrease the staggering amount of babies being born with drug addictions. Now, a new statistic just came out that revealed the number of drug addicted babies born in the US has QUADRUPLED in just one . . . . Continue Reading

New Dark Web Drug Lord Site Shutting Down

Even with the highly publicized arrest and trial of Ross “Dread Pirate Roberts” Ulbricht along with the collapse of the ‘ebay of drugs’ Silk Road, it’s true the days of the Dark Web are not yet behind us, but it seems they may be fast approaching. Since the black market operations of the original Silk . . . . Continue Reading

Medical Task Force Teaming Up to Battle Opiate Epidemic

With the country finding itself in a state of consistent crisis in regards to the mounting drug problem, especially concerning the overdose outbreak and the opiate epidemic, there has been a lot of revolutionary ideas and concepts brought to the table to try and revitalize the efforts to curb addiction in America. Reforming the strategy . . . . Continue Reading

Are 3D Printed Drugs the Future?

Author: Justin Mckibben Yeah, we said it. The future of medicine has found a new home in the 3rd dimension, with 3D printers making new waves of innovation in the medical community. So far we have already seen the results of CD printing in the medical field, including things like custom prosthetics. Now we have . . . . Continue Reading

6 Important Things about Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating disorders are commonly defined as psychological illnesses characterized by abnormal eating habits that exist alongside an obsession with an unhealthy body-image. Eating disorders typically involve either insufficient or excessive food intake, and many persist to the extent they become extremely damaging to an individual’s physical and mental health in ways both visible and invisible. The path to recovery from eating disorders is not a . . . . Continue Reading

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